Creative typography is one of the top graphic design trends for 2022 and a huge source of inspiration for many designers and artists worldwide. In this article, we’ve gathered a lot of inspiring and creative typography design ideas that will make your imagination go wild.
We’ve included many different types of typography design ideas although it’s been hard to sort these masterpieces into categories. They are so much more art than a categorized design! Still, we hope this collection brings you the joy and inspiration you are looking for. Let’s begin!
Article overview:
1. Bright colors
2. Semi-transparency
3. Line art & outline
4. Heavy fonts
5. Retro & vintage feel
6. 3D effect
7. Image masking
8. Typography that interacts with other design elements
9. Textures, materials, and liquids
10. Hand-drawn typography
11. Distortion
12. Basic geometric shapes
13. Typography fitting into a specific shape
14. Letters as cartoon characters
1. Bright colors in typography design
Bright colors are absolute attention-nailers and they are very successful in doing so. Bright colors in typography surely manage to pop among all other elements in the design. Check out these creative typography design ideas with bright colors.
2. Semi-transparency in typography design
Semi-transparency is an effect which is not only trendy in typography design but in graphic design as a whole. Experimenting with different transparency levels, designers are creating amazing looks which we can enjoy for hours.
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3. Line art and outline typography design
Being super clean and minimalist, line art has become one of the steadiest trends for the last few years. Of course, typography is a huge part of graphic design and therefore, we often see impressive outline typography design ideas.
4. Heavy fonts and maxi typography
A trend in typography which literally stands out! The maxi typography craze started about a couple of years ago and since then, it has steadily raised popularity among graphic and web designs.
5. Retro and vintage feel in typography design
In 2022, retro design style is making a huge comeback. The design pieces are inspired by trends from 50-60 years ago and look stunning even today. Do you want to check out an inspiring collection of Retro design in modern times?
6. 3D effect in typography design
Whether made in 3D software (the effect of which, by the way, looks stunningly realistic and breath-taking) or in a plain 2D software, 3D effect never fails to impress us. Here are amazing examples of 3D graphics in typography design.
7. Image masking and negative space art
In this case, image masking is of course translated into typography masking. This effect is absolutely impressive, especially when it creates the feeling of depth – several layers interacting with each other and elements from the back are coming to the front. Along with image masking, negative space art (the last example) is absolutely mind-blowing.
8. Typography that interacts with other design elements
Typography can be an active part of the composition, interacting with other elements in the form of intertwining or laying in a certain depth level in the middle ground.
9. Imitation of textures, materials & liquids
This is a popular and well-known technique of presenting typography but still super impressive. Typography and lettering made of smoke, milk, cream, and other liquidy textures which can take up different shapes – great to make the typography an active part of the composition.
10. Hand-drawn typography designs
Hand-drawn typography is truly inspiring. Moreover, the fact that these pieces are hand crafted makes them even more unique. We’ve gathered hand-drawn typography designs recreating different techniques – pastels, markers, pencil, ink, crayons, and more.
11. Distorted and ruined typography effect
The distorted and ruined typography effect is an effect which was popular a couple of years ago. Well, we still see it on typography designs here and there and it still manages to catch the attention.
12. Basic geometric shapes in typography design
Basic geometric shapes look super classy and elegant on designs. The same goes for typography design! Moreover, these compositions are super creative in order to achieve a simplified version of more complex images.
13. Typography fitting into a specific shape
The title says it all – in these typography designs, the typography is fitted into a specific shape which could be pretty much, anything – from a basketball ball to hair.
14. Letters as cartoon characters
On a last but not least position, because we are obviously super biased towards cartoon characters, we put letters made as cartoon characters. Well, here the imagination of designers and artists can surely go wild. See a couple of examples.
Enjoyed this collection of typography design ideas? We surely had a lot of fun and got loaded with many new ideas for typography design. If you have experimented with unconventional typography design, we’d be more than happy to see it in the comments below.
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