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Business Character Animator Puppets

In Adobe Character Animator Business puppets category, you will find businessmen puppets, business women puppets, corporate puppets, office worker puppets with casual or elegant outfits. They are fully rigged, with premade triggers, great features, a lip sync function - all set for animating.


Showing 24 results from 39 for Business

Kim the Office lady

$49.00 16 credits

Rita Heels

$49.00 16 credits

Alfred the Careerist

$49.00 16 credits

Sam the Workaholic

$49.00 16 credits

Nick Smartman

$49.00 16 credits

Nikki the Cute Geeky

$49.00 16 credits

Chloe as Miss Profit

$49.00 16 credits

Alex the Businessman Character Animator Puppet

Free 0 credits

Mark Millennial Puppet

$49.00 16 credits

Business Dog Character Animator Puppet

$39.80 10 credits

3D Style African-American Businessman Puppet

$39.80 10 credits

Jim the Business Icon

$49.00 16 credits

Attractive Businesswoman Character Animator Puppet

$49.00 16 credits

Mature Businessman Character Animator Puppet

$39.80 10 credits

Thomas Stock

$49.00 16 credits

Office Work - I'm the Man!

$39.80 10 credits

Cartoon Businessman Puppet

$39.80 10 credits

Cartoon Chinese Man

$49.00 16 credits

Pam the Lucky Charm

$49.00 16 credits

Blond Businessman Character Animator Puppet

$49.00 16 credits

Robert McBear

$49.00 16 credits

Clair as Lady Career

$39.80 10 credits

Lorry the Office Fury

$49.00 16 credits

Asian Woman Cartoon Puppet

$39.80 10 credits