People Character Animator Puppets

In this category of Adobe Character Animator human puppets, you will find business puppets, casually dressed puppets, male puppets, female puppets, kids puppets and more. They are fully rigged, with premade triggers and features, a lip sync function, and more goodies.


Showing 13 results from 157 for People

Curly Tommy

$39.80 10 credits

Grace as Lady Suitcase

$39.80 10 credits

Professor Earl Crazy Curls

$39.80 10 credits

Mr. Western

$39.80 10 credits

Curly Harley

$39.80 10 credits

Cindy Smarty Curls

$39.80 10 credits

Pretty Superhero Woman Puppet

$39.80 10 credits

Professor Nuts-chmitz

$39.80 10 credits

Harry Beard

$39.80 10 credits

Cassie as Miss Classy

$39.80 10 credits

Mr. Geekson Character Animator Puppet

Free 0 credits

Brighton as Mr.Bright

$39.80 10 credits

Clausette Jingle

$39.80 10 credits