This charming gentleman is inspired by the character design style of Popeye, created as a high-quality puppet for Adobe Character Animator. He's ready to go right into the software and start mesmerizing your viewers with his modern look and infectious smile. Comes with pre-made gestures - waving, thumbs up, pointing, and pre-built emotions. The puppet has a lip-syncing function. Suitable for diverse, projects, intuitive to work with. You receive the .AI and .Puppet file formats upon downloading. *Ai file included inside the Puppet file.
By using your cam, the puppet detects and follows your eyes, brows, and mouth.
By using your mic, the puppet follows your voice and recreates talking.
Use the mouse to manage arm movements, and your cam for head movements.
Use your cam and triggers to make the puppet surprised, happy, angry, or sad.
By using basic hand triggers, the puppet can point, give a thumb up, and wave.
Purchase this Character Animator Puppet on its own or get a credit plan in case you are planning to
buy more than one graphic resource from GraphicMama.